What is the Future of Legalized Cannabis?

What is the Future of Legalized Cannabis?

Cannabis, alternately known as marijuana among other names is a dosage form of the cannabis plant used as a psychoactive medicine or drug. Commonly used as a recreational or medicinal drug. It is also been used for spiritual or religious purpose. According to recent statistical data, it is seen that the consumption of cannabis has increased from 43% to 51% in America from 2015-2016. This rise in usage has made this drug most commonly used illegal drug in the world. The United states has encountered increased support for legalization, dated back from 1970’s and various states have made it legal to sell or consume them for recreational or medical use. On the medical front, studies have revealed that Cannabis can be furthermore used to treat a host of physical or mental ailments.

Future of Legalized Cannabis

Differing attitude towards legalization of Cannabis

Advocacy towards legalization of cannabis can be seen as positive sign for the economic growth of exchequers supporting legalization. As it is believed that it will eliminate smuggling and associated crime in future, yielding a valuable tax source and reducing policing costs. Many states(Washington, Colorado, Alaska and Oregon) have changed their attitude towards cannabis regulation and have framed their own laws, allowing use of cannabis as recreational drug. As the supporters for legalization of cannabis are immense, so the excise tax on the sales of Cannabis could possibly add up to millions of dollars in revenue.

Many countries have benefited both economically and socially, by the legalization of Cannabis. To state few exemplary benefits, official statistics have revealed that Colorado and Washington have collected millions from taxes, licenses and fees, registering increased tax revenue. In addition to this, both the countries have experienced reduced violent crime rates and have saved money on the traffic fatalities and reduced arrests. On the medical front, it has been found that the efficacy of cannabis in alleviating pain in multiple sclerosis and arthritis is appreciable, enabling to reduce the spread of cancer cells or progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The bottom line is that in future we will see huge public acceptance of cannabis consumption to the extent that they will be treated as equivalent to alcohol consumption without any personal bias.

Where can you buy marijuana seeds and cannabis legally in Colorado, USA? Medical Canna Store offers high quality marijuana seeds at market competitive prices.

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